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Cloud Based – Project Progress Tracker

Cloud Based - Project Progress Tracker

Building a cloud-based data landscape connected with Power App to allow approval-based reporting to executives​

  • Manual reporting to Executive monthly and uniform reporting across multiple departments. ​
  • Each department was following a different approval cycle, and different reporting periods and KPI master data was not maintained at a single source​
  • Email approvals by Managers.
  • Conducted business workshops with business units reporting frequently to Masdar leadership, to identify and prioritize business KPIs.
  • Conducted workshops with source systems to define uniform KPI Scorecard to upload data and load approvals in Power Apps​.
  • Provided Access-based data entry & approval within Power App​.
  • Provide SLA-based reminders for all 3 levels of approvals per month​.
  • Provided System based SLA missed actions to keep the process ongoing 

Key Value to Business:​

  • Executives can see the monthly update from anywhere on their desktop or mobile​
  • Achieved data uniformity across departments
Renewable/Sustainable Energy
Company Wide Employees
Middle East​
Systems used​
MS Power Platform
PowerApps, Dashboards, SharePoint